Prof. Dr. Dimitri Van Neck
Mean-field theory for the conserved charges in Richardson-Gaudin models
Integreerbare veeldeeltjes systemen: spin systemen en bosonische paartoestanden
Accurate variational electronic structure calculations with the density matrix renormalization group
Mon, 05/05/2014
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Jozef Plateaustraat, Ghent
Prof. Dr. Dimitri Van Neck, Prof. Dr. H. VerscheldeIntegrable quantum many-body systems: Properties and extensions of the Dicke model, and the introduction of time dependence
Faddeev Random Phase Approximation applied to molecules
Invloed van de geometrie op de supergeleidende toestand in metaalachtige nanokorrels
Integreerbare Veeldeeltjessystemen
Variational determination of the two-particle density matrix as a quantum many-body technique
Fri, 30/03/2012
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Jozef Plateaustraat, Ghent