A.E.J. Hoffman

A Critical Assessment on Calculating Vibrational Spectra in Nanostructured Materials

A.E.J. Hoffman, W. Temmerman, E. Campbell, A. A. Damin, I. Lezcano-Gonzalez, A.M. Beale, S. Bordiga, J. Hofkens, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Vibrational spectroscopy is an omnipresent spectroscopic technique to characterize functional nanostructured materials such as zeolites, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), and metal–halide perovskites (MHPs). The resulting experimental spectra are usually complex, with both low-frequency framework modes and high-frequency functional group vibrations. Therefore, theoretically calculated spectra are often an essential element to elucidate the vibrational fingerprint. In principle, there are two possible approaches to calculate vibrational spectra: (i) a static approach that approximates the potential energy surface (PES) as a set of independent harmonic oscillators and (ii) a dynamic approach that explicitly samples the PES around equilibrium by integrating Newton’s equations of motions. The dynamic approach considers anharmonic and temperature effects and provides a more genuine representation of materials at true operating conditions; however, such simulations come at a substantially increased computational cost. This is certainly true when forces and energy evaluations are performed at the quantum mechanical level. Molecular dynamics (MD) techniques have become more established within the field of computational chemistry. Yet, for the prediction of infrared (IR) and Raman spectra of nanostructured materials, their usage has been less explored and remain restricted to some isolated successes. Therefore, it is currently not a priori clear which methodology should be used to accurately predict vibrational spectra for a given system. A comprehensive comparative study between various theoretical methods and experimental spectra for a broad set of nanostructured materials is so far lacking. To fill this gap, we herein present a concise overview on which methodology is suited to accurately predict vibrational spectra for a broad range of nanostructured materials and formulate a series of theoretical guidelines to this purpose. To this end, four different case studies are considered, each treating a particular material aspect, namely breathing in flexible MOFs, characterization of defects in the rigid MOF UiO-66, anharmonic vibrations in the metal–halide perovskite CsPbBr3, and guest adsorption on the pores of the zeolite H-SSZ-13. For all four materials, in their guest- and defect-free state and at sufficiently low temperatures, both the static and dynamic approach yield qualitatively similar spectra in agreement with experimental results. When the temperature is increased, the harmonic approximation starts to fail for CsPbBr3 due to the presence of anharmonic phonon modes. Also, the spectroscopic fingerprints of defects and guest species are insufficiently well predicted by a simple harmonic model. Both phenomena flatten the potential energy surface (PES), which facilitates the transitions between metastable states, necessitating dynamic sampling. On the basis of the four case studies treated in this Review, we can propose the following theoretical guidelines to simulate accurate vibrational spectra of functional solid-state materials: (i) For nanostructured crystalline framework materials at low temperature, insights into the lattice dynamics can be obtained using a static approach relying on a few points on the PES and an independent set of harmonic oscillators. (ii) When the material is evaluated at higher temperatures or when additional complexity enters the system, e.g., strong anharmonicity, defects, or guest species, the harmonic regime breaks down and dynamic sampling is required for a correct prediction of the phonon spectrum. These guidelines and their illustrations for prototype material classes can help experimental and theoretical researchers to enhance the knowledge obtained from a lattice dynamics study.

The role of phonons in switchable MOFs: a model material perspective

A.E.J. Hoffman, I. Senkovska, L. Abylgazina, V. Bon, V. Grzimek, A.M. Dominic, M. Russina, M.A. Kraft, I. Weidinger, W.G. Zeier, V. Van Speybroeck, S. Kaskel
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
11, 28, 15286-15300


The large cell volume changes of switchable metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) render them as promising functional materials. Low-frequency phonon modes are known to influence the dynamic response of these materials. The pillared layer DUT-8(M) materials are prototypical examples of switchable MOFs, enabling switching between the closed and open pore phases, largely depending on the metal ions constituting the paddle wheel unit. However, the role of specific phonon modes in the softness of these materials is still rather unexplored. This study combines complementary spectroscopic techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, inelastic neutron scattering, and phonon acoustic spectroscopy (PAS) with density functional theory calculations (DFT) to unravel the vibrational properties of DUT-8(M) with different metal nodes (M = Ni, Co, Zn, Cu) to address these open questions. After analysis of the various experimental and theoretical spectroscopic data, the closed pore phase of DUT-8(Ni) appeared to be stiffer than that of the materials with Co and Zn. Experiments also show that the open pore phase of the Ni based compound is softer than those containing Zn and Co, although these findings could not be supported by theory. Nevertheless, DFT calculations could explain that changing the metal atom has mainly an impact on the phonon modes inducing changes in the paddle wheel unit. These results yield valuable insights into the role of the metal node on the observed flexibility in DUT-8(M) materials and can help to understand the mechanisms behind the phase transition in switchable MOFs.

Understanding the phase transition mechanism in the lead halide perovskite CsPbBr₃ via theoretical and experimental GIWAXS and Raman spectroscopy

A.E.J. Hoffman, R.A. Saha, S. Borgmans, P. Puech, T. Braeckevelt, M.B.J. Roeffaers, J.A. Steele, J. Hofkens, V. Van Speybroeck
APL Materials
Volume 11, Issue 4, article number 041124


Metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) exhibit excellent properties for application in optoelectronic devices. The bottleneck for their incorporation is the lack of long-term stability such as degradation due to external conditions (heat, light, oxygen, moisture, and mechanical stress), but the occurrence of phase transitions also affects their performance. Structural phase transitions are often influenced by phonon modes. Hence, an insight into both the structure and lattice dynamics is vital to assess the potential of MHPs. In this study, GIWAXS and Raman spectroscopy are applied, supported by density functional theory calculations, to investigate the apparent manifestation of structural phase transitions in the MHP CsPbBr3. Macroscopically, CsPbBr3 undergoes phase transitions between a cubic (α), tetragonal (β), and orthorhombic (γ) phase with decreasing temperature. However, microscopically, it has been argued that only the γ phase exists, while the other phases exist as averages over length and time scales within distinct temperature ranges. Here, direct proof is provided for this conjecture by analyzing both theoretical diffraction patterns and the evolution of the tilting angle of the PbBr6 octahedra from molecular dynamics simulations. Moreover, sound agreement between experimental and theoretical Raman spectra allowed to identify the Raman active phonon modes and to investigate their frequency as a function of temperature. As such, this work increases the understanding of the structure and lattice dynamics of CsPbBr3 and similar MHPs.

Gold Open Access

Microscopic Linker Distribution in Mixed-Linker Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks via Computational Raman Spectroscopy: Implications for Gas Separation

A.E.J. Hoffman, J. Marreiros, S.M.J. Rogge, R. Ameloot, V. Van Speybroeck
ACS Applied Nano Materials
6, 7, 5645–5652


Mixed-linker zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) are important candidate materials for gas separation. By changing the linker content, their pore size can be tuned, offering the potential to regulate diffusion and adsorption. An important factor affecting these properties in mixed-linker ZIFs is the linker distribution, which is difficult to characterize. In this study, the microscopic linker distribution in mixed-linker ZIF-8/ZIF-90, with respectively methyl and carboxaldehyde functionalization, is elucidated via computational Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that the typical Raman band associated with the carboxaldehyde linker is shifted due to a change in hydrogen-bonding behavior. This insight allows one to explain the microscopic linker distribution in experimental mixed-linker structures.

How water and ion mobility affect the NMR fingerprints of the hydrated JBW zeolite: a combined computational-experimental investigation

S. Vanlommel, A.E.J. Hoffman, S. Smet, S. Radhakrishnan, K. Asselman, C. V. Chandran, E. Breynaert, C. Kirschhock, J.A. Martens, V. Van Speybroeck
Chemistry - A European Journal
28, 68, e202202621


An important aspect within zeolite synthesis is to make fully tunable framework materials with controlled aluminium distribution. A major challenge in characterising these zeolites at operating conditions is the presence of water. In this work, we investigate the effect of hydration on the 27 Al NMR parameters of the ultracrystalline K,Na-compensated aluminosilicate JBW zeolite using experimental and computational techniques. The JBW framework, with Si/Al ratio of 1, is an ideal benchmark system as a stepping stone towards more complicated zeolites. The presence and mobility of water and extraframework species directly affect NMR fingerprints. Excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental spectra is obtained provided dynamic methods are employed with hydrated structural models. This work shows how NMR is instrumental in characterising aluminium distributions in zeolites at operating conditions.

Gold Open Access

Unfolding the terahertz spectrum of soft porous crystals: rigid unit modes and their impact on phase transitions

A.E.J. Hoffman, I. Senkovska, J. Wieme, A. Krylov, S. Kaskel, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
10 (33), 17254-17266


Phase transitions in exible metal-organic frameworks or soft porous crystals are mediated by low-frequency phonons or rigid-unit modes. The alteration of specic building blocks may change the lattice dynamics of these frameworks, which can inuence the phase transition mechanism. In this work, the impact of building block substitution on the rigid-unit modes in exible MIL-53 analogs with a winerack topology will be investigated via ab initio lattice dynamics calculations. First, the accuracy of the theoretical simulations is veried via experimental Raman measurements, which provide unique ngerprint vibrations in the terahertz range to characterize the phase transition. Following analysis of the low-frequency vibrations shows that there exists a set of universal rigid-unit modes inducing translations and/or rotations of the building blocks. The theoretical results demonstrate that linker substitutions have a large eect on the rigid-unit mode frequencies, whereas this is less so for inorganic chain substitutions. These ndings may help to rationally tune the phonon frequencies in soft porous crystals.

Gold Open Access

Towards modeling spatiotemporal processes in metal–organic frameworks

V. Van Speybroeck, S. Vandenhaute, A.E.J. Hoffman, S.M.J. Rogge
Trends in Chemistry
3 (8): 605-619


Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are hybrid materials constructed from metal clusters linked by organic linkers, which can be engineered for target functional applications in, for example, catalysis, sensing, and storage. The dynamic response of MOFs on external stimuli can be tuned by spatial heterogeneities such as defects and crystal size as well as by operating conditions such as temperature, pressure, moisture, and external fields. Modeling the spatiotemporal evolution of MOFs under operating conditions and at length and time scales comparable with experimental observations is extremely challenging. Herein, we give a status on the modeling of spatiotemporal processes in MOFs under working conditions and reflect on how modeling can be reconciled with in situ spectroscopy measurements.

Gold Open Access

Identification of vanadium dopant sites in the metal–organic framework DUT-5(Al)

K. Maes, L.I.D.J. Martin, S. Khelifi, A.E.J. Hoffman, K. Leus, P. Van der Voort, E. Goovaerts, P.F. Smet, V. Van Speybroeck, F. Callens, H. Vrielinck
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP)
23, 7088-7100


Studying the structural environment of the VIV ions doped in the metal–organic framework (MOF) DUT-5(Al) ((AlIIIOH)BPDC) with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) reveals four different vanadium-related spectral components. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters are derived by analysis of X-, Q- and W-band powder EPR spectra. Complementary Q-band Electron Nuclear DOuble Resonance (ENDOR) experiments, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) measurements are performed to investigate the origin of these spectral components. Two spectral components with well resolved 51V hyperfine structure are visible, one corresponding to VIV=O substitution in a large (or open) pore and one to a narrow (or closed) pore variant of this MOF. Furthermore, a broad structureless Lorentzian line assigned to interacting vanadyl centers in each other's close neighborhood grows with increasing V-concentration. The last spectral component is best visible at low V-concentrations. We tentatively attribute it to (VIV=O)2+ linked with DMF or dimethylamine in the pores of the MOF. Simulations using these four spectral components convincingly reproduce the experimental spectra and allow to estimate the contribution of each vanadyl species as a function of V-concentration.

Theoretical and Spectroscopic Evidence of the Dynamic Nature of Copper Active Sites in Cu-CHA Catalysts under Selective Catalytic Reduction (NH3–SCR–NOx) Conditions

R. Millan, P. Cnudde, A.E.J. Hoffman, C.W. Lopes, P. Concepcion, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Boronat
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
11, 23, 10060-10066


The dynamic nature of the copper cations acting as active sites for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia is investigated using a combined theoretical and spectroscopic approach. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of Cu-CHA catalysts in contact with reactants and intermediates at realistic operating conditions show that only ammonia is able to release Cu+ and Cu2+ cations from their positions coordinated to the zeolite framework, forming mobile Cu+(NH3)2 and Cu2+(NH3)4 complexes that migrate to the center of the cavity. Herein, we give evidence that such mobilization of copper cations modifies the vibrational fingerprint in the 800–1000 cm–1 region of the IR spectra. Bands associated with the lattice asymmetric T-O-T vibrations are perturbed by the presence of coordinated cations, and allow one to experimentally follow the dynamic reorganization of the active sites at operating conditions.

Insight into the effects of confined hydrocarbon species on the lifetime of methanol conversion catalysts

I. Lezcano-Gonzalez, E. Campbell, A.E.J. Hoffman, M. Bocus, I.V. Sazanovich, M. Towrie, M. Agote-Aran, E.K. Gibson, A. Greenaway, K. De Wispelaere, V. Van Speybroeck, A.M. Beale
Nature Materials
19, 1081–1087


The methanol-to-hydrocarbons reaction refers collectively to a series of important industrial catalytic processes to produce either olefins or gasoline. Mechanistically, methanol conversion proceeds through a ‘pool’ of hydrocarbon species. For the methanol-to-olefins process, these species can be delineated broadly into ‘desired’ lighter olefins and ‘undesired’ heavier fractions that cause deactivation in a matter of hours. The crux in further catalyst optimization is the ability to follow the formation of carbonaceous species during operation. Here, we report the combined results of an operando Kerr-gated Raman spectroscopic study with state-of-the-art operando molecular simulations, which allowed us to follow the formation of hydrocarbon species at various stages of methanol conversion. Polyenes are identified as crucial intermediates towards formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, with their fate determined largely by the zeolite topology. Notably, we provide the missing link between active and deactivating species, which allows us to propose potential design rules for future-generation catalysts.


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