T. Verstraelen

Vibrational Modes in partially optimized molecular systems

A. Ghysels, D. Van Neck, V. Van Speybroeck, T. Verstraelen, M. Waroquier
Journal of Chemical Physics
126 (22), 224102


In this paper the authors develop a method to accurately calculate localized vibrational modes for partially optimized molecular structures or for structures containing link atoms. The method avoids artificially introduced imaginary frequencies and keeps track of the invariance under global translations and rotations. Only a subblock of the Hessian matrix has to be constructed and diagonalized, leading to a serious reduction of the computational time for the frequency analysis. The mobile block Hessian approach (MBH) proposed in this work can be regarded as an extension of the partial Hessian vibrational analysis approach proposed by Head [Int. J. Quantum Chem. 65, 827 (1997)] . Instead of giving the nonoptimized region of the system an infinite mass, it is allowed to move as a rigid body with respect to the optimized region of the system. The MBH approach is then extended to the case where several parts of the molecule can move as independent multiple rigid blocks in combination with single atoms. The merits of both models are extensively tested on ethanol and di-n-octyl-ether.

Ab initio calculation of entropy and heat capacity of gas-phase n-alkanes with hetero-elements O and S: Ethers/alcohols and sulfides/thiols

P. Vansteenkiste, T. Verstraelen, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Waroquier
Chemical Physics
328 (1-3), 251-258


In this paper, the performance of the one-dimensional hindered rotor approach (1D-HR) is evaluated for n-alkanes with hetero-elements O or S. The internal rotations in these molecules show a behavior distinct from those in n-alkanes, for which 1D-HR is a cost-efficient method to describe the thermochemical features (entropy and heat capacity). It turns out that also for ethers, alcohols, sulfides and thiols this approach gives a satisfactory experimental agreement. This work confirms earlier results, and consolidates the assumption that the 1D-HR model is highly suitable for reproducing thermodynamic properties of single chain molecules, and that multi-dimensional coupled hindered rotor approaches (nD-HR) are not necessarily required for attaining high accuracy. Moreover, it seems that the 1D-HR results are almost independent of the details of the level of theory.

Opposite Regiospecific Ring Opening of 2-(Cyanomethyl)aziridines by Hydrogen Bromide and Benzyl Bromide: Experimental Study and Theoretical Rationalization

S. Catak, M. D'Hooghe, T. Verstraelen, K. Hemelsoet, A. Van Nieuwenhove, H-J. Ha, M. Waroquier, N. De Kimpe, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Organic Chemistry
75 (13), 4530–4541


Ring opening of 1-arylmethyl-2-(cyanomethyl)aziridines with HBr afforded 3-(arylmethyl)amino-4-bromobutyronitriles via regiospecific ring opening at the unsubstituted aziridine carbon. Previous experimental and theoretical reports show treatment of the same compounds with benzyl bromide to furnish 4-amino-3-bromobutanenitriles through ring opening at the substituted aziridine carbon. To gain insights into the regioselective preference with HBr, reaction paths have been analyzed with computational methods. The effect of solvation was taken into account by the use of explicit solvent molecules. Geometries were determined at the B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p) level of theory, and a Grimme-type correction term was included for long-range dispersion interactions; relative energies were refined with the meta-hybrid MPW1B95 functional. Activation barriers confirm preference for ring opening at the unsubstituted ring carbon for HBr. HBr versus benzyl bromide ring opening was analyzed through comparison of the electronic structure of corresponding aziridinium intermediates. Although the electrostatic picture fails to explain the opposite regiospecific nature of the reaction, frontier molecular orbital analysis of LUMOs and nucleophilic Fukui functions show a clear preference of attack for the substituted aziridine carbon in the benzyl bromide case and for the unsubstituted aziridine carbon in the HBr case, successfully rationalizing the experimentally observed regioselectivity.

Conformational Sampling of Macrocyclic Alkenes Using a Kennard−Stone-Based Algorithm

D.D. Claeys, T. Verstraelen, E. Pauwels, C.V. Stevens, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
114 (25), 6879–6887


The properties and functions of (bio)molecules are closely related to their molecular conformations. A variety of methods are available to sample the conformational space at a relatively low level of theory. If a higher level of theory is required, the computational cost can be reduced by selecting a uniformly distributed set of conformations from the ensemble of conformations generated at a low level of theory and by optimizing this selected set at a higher level. The generation of conformers is performed using molecular dynamics runs which are analyzed using the MD-Tracks code [ J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2008, 48, 2414]. This article presents a Kennard−Stone-based algorithm, with a distance measure based on the distance matrix, for the selection of the most diverse set of conformations. The method has been successfully applied to macrocyclic alkenes. The correct thermodynamic stability of the double-bond isomers of a flexible macrocyclic alkene containing two chiral centers is reproduced. The double-bond configuration has a limited effect on the conformation of the whole macrocycle. The chirality of the stereocenters has a larger effect on the molecular conformations.

Influence of Protein Environment on the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Properties of Flavoprotein Radicals: A QM/MM Study

E. Pauwels, R. Declerck, T. Verstraelen, B. De Sterck, C.W.M. Kay, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Waroquier
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
114 (49), 16655–16665


The neutral and anionic semiquinone radicals of the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor noncovalently bound in glucose oxidase from A. niger are examined with the aid of QM/MM molecular modeling methods, enabling complete inclusion of the protein environment. Recently, the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) characteristics, the anisotropic g tensor and all the significant hyperfine couplings, of these flavoprotein radicals were determined at high resolution (J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 3568). A striking difference between the neutral and anionic radical forms was found to be a shift in the gy principal value. Within the QM/MM framework, geometry optimization and molecular dynamics simulations are combined with EPR property calculations, employing a recent implementation by some of the authors in the CP2K software package. In this way, spectroscopic characteristics are computed on the fly during the MD simulations of the solvated protein structure, mimicking as best as possible the experimental conditions. The general agreement between calculated and experimental EPR properties is satisfactory and on par with those calculated with other codes (Gaussian 03, ORCA). The protonation state of two histidines (His559 and His516) at the catalytic site of this flavoprotein is found to have a remarkable influence on the isotropic hyperfine coupling of one of the methyl groups on the neutral FAD radical, which is consistent with experimental findings in other flavoproteins (J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282, 4738). Furthermore, the shift in the gy principal values between the neutral and anionic radicals is well reproduced by QM/MM simulations. Incorporation of at least the nearest protein environment of the cofactor radicals proves to be vital for a correct reproduction, indicating that this shift is a global feature of the protein rather than a local one. In addition, QM/MM techniques are used to make a prediction of relative angles between important spectroscopic principal directions, which are not readily determined by conventional EPR experiments. Significantly, the directions of the gx and the gy components of the g-tensor that lie in the plane of the isoalloxazine moiety are rotated by approximately 59° between the neutral and the anionic radicals.

Insight into the solvation and isomerization of 3-halo-1-azaallylic anions from ab initio metadynamics calculations and NMR experiments

R. Declerck, B. De Sterck, T. Verstraelen, G. Verniest, S. Mangelinckx, J. Jacobs, N. De Kimpe, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Chemistry - A European Journal
15 (3), 580 - 584


Long live theZisomer! The solvation and isomerization properties of lithiated 3-chloro-1-azaallylic anions in tetrahydrofuran are revealed. Extensive and convincing evidence is obtained from state-of-the-art first-principle molecular dynamics and metadynamics simulations in an explicit periodic solvent model, together with detailed NMR experiments.

TAMkin: A Versatile Package for Vibrational Analysis and Chemical Kinetics

A. Ghysels, T. Verstraelen, K. Hemelsoet, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM)
50 (9), 1736–1750


TAMkin is a program for the calculation and analysis of normal modes, thermochemical properties and chemical reaction rates. At present, the output from the frequently applied software programs ADF, CHARMM, CPMD, CP2K, Gaussian, Q-Chem, and VASP can be analyzed. The normal-mode analysis can be performed using a broad variety of advanced models, including the standard full Hessian, the Mobile Block Hessian, the Partial Hessian Vibrational approach, the Vibrational Subsystem Analysis with or without mass matrix correction, the Elastic Network Model, and other combinations. TAMkin is readily extensible because of its modular structure. Chemical kinetics of unimolecular and bimolecular reactions can be analyzed in a straightforward way using conventional transition state theory, including tunneling corrections and internal rotor refinements. A sensitivity analysis can also be performed, providing important insight into the theoretical error margins on the kinetic parameters. Two extensive examples demonstrate the capabilities of TAMkin: the conformational change of the biological system adenylate kinase is studied, as well as the reaction kinetics of the addition of ethene to the ethyl radical. The important feature of batch processing large amounts of data is highlighted by performing an extended level of theory study, which TAMkin can automate significantly.

Atomic Velocity Projection Method: A New Analysis Method for Vibrational Spectra in Terms of Internal Coordinates for a Better Understanding of Zeolite Nanogrowth

M. Van Houteghem, T. Verstraelen, D. Van Neck, C. Kirschhock, J.A. Martens, M. Waroquier, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC)
7, 1045-1061


An efficient protocol is presented to identify signals in vibrational spectra of silica oligomers based on theoretical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The method is based on the projection of the atomic velocity vectors on the tangential directions of the trajectories belonging to a predefined set of internal coordinates. In this way only contributions of atomic motions along these internal coordinates are taken into consideration. The new methodology is applied to the spectra of oligomers and rings, which play an important role in zeolite synthesis. A suitable selection of the relevant internal coordinates makes the protocol very efficient but relies on intuition and theoretical insight. The simulation data necessary to compute vibrational spectra of relevant silica species are obtained through MD using proper force fields. The new methodology—the so-called velocity projection method—makes a detailed analysis of vibrational spectra possible by establishing a one-to-one correspondence between a spectral signal and a proper internal coordinate. It offers valuable perspectives in understanding the elementary steps in silica organization during zeolite nanogrowth. The so-called velocity projection method is generally applicable on data obtained from all types of MD and is a highly valuable alternative to normal-mode analysis which has its limitations due to the presence of many local minima on the potential energy surface. In this work the method is exclusively applied to inelastic neutron scattering, but extension to the infrared power spectrum is apparent.

The significance of parameters in charge equilibration models

T. Verstraelen, P. Bultinck, V. Van Speybroeck, P.W. Ayers, D. Van Neck, M. Waroquier
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC)
7 (6), 1750-1764


Charge equilibration models such as the electronegativity equalization method (EEM) and the split charge equilibration (SQE) are extensively used in the literature for the efficient computation of accurate atomic charges in molecules. However, there is no consensus on a generic set of optimal parameters, even when one only considers parameters calibrated against atomic charges in organic molecules. In this work, the origin of the disagreement in the parameters is investigated by comparing and analyzing six sets of parameters based on two sets of molecules and three calibration procedures. The resulting statistical analysis clearly indicates that the conventional least-squares cost function based solely on atomic charges is in general ill-conditioned and not capable of fixing all parameters in a charge-equilibration model. Methodological guidelines are formulated to improve the stability of the parameters. Although in this case a simple interpretation of individual parameters is not possible, charge equilibration models remain of great practical use for the computation of atomic charges.

Assessment of atomic charge models for gas-phase computations on polypeptides

T. Verstraelen, E. Pauwels, F. De Proft, V. Van Speybroeck, P. Geerlings, M. Waroquier
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC)
8 (2), 661-676


The concept of the atomic charge is extensively used to model the electrostatic properties of proteins. Atomic charges are not only the basis for the electrostatic energy term in biomolecular force fields but are also derived from quantum mechanical computations on protein fragments to get more insight into their electronic structure. Unfortunately there are many atomic charge schemes which lead to significantly different results, and it is not trivial to determine which scheme is most suitable for biomolecular studies. Therefore, we present an extensive methodological benchmark using a selection of atomic charge schemes [Mulliken, natural, restrained electrostatic potential, Hirshfeld-I, electronegativity equalization method (EEM), and split-charge equilibration (SQE)] applied to two sets of penta-alanine conformers. Our analysis clearly shows that Hirshfeld-I charges offer the best compromise between transferability (robustness with respect to conformational changes) and the ability to reproduce electrostatic properties of the penta-alanine. The benchmark also considers two charge equilibration models (EEM and SQE), which both clearly fail to describe the locally charged moieties in the zwitterionic form of penta-alanine. This issue is analyzed in detail because charge equilibration models are computationally much more attractive than the Hirshfeld-I scheme. Based on the latter analysis, a straightforward extension of the SQE model is proposed, SQE+Q0, that is suitable to describe biological systems bearing many locally charged functional groups.

Open Access version available at UGent repository


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