V. Van Speybroeck

Following the dynamics of industrial catalysts under operando conditions

V. Van Speybroeck


Catalytic reactions taking place in industrial processes are often performed under extreme conditions of temperatures and pressures. A typical example is the Haber–Bosch process to industrially synthesize ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen which operates under reaction pressures from 10 to 15 MPa and temperatures higher than 400 °C (1). Following the dynamics of heterogeneous catalysts under such extreme conditions is highly challenging both from experimental and theoretical point of view. In their paper, Bonati et al. give unique molecular insights into the dynamics, adsorption, and bond breakage of the N2 molecule when interacting with the (111) iron surface at high temperatures relevant for the Haber–Bosch catalytic system (2). The simulations reveal that the surface is much more dynamic than anticipated from low-temperature experiments or simulations. Active sites are continuously formed and disrupted, and this behavior is instrumental for driving the catalytic process. To follow the weakening of the nitrogen–nitrogen bond, the degree of charge transfer from the metallic surface to the triple bond was followed during various steps of the catalytic process.

The study of Bonati et al. is an important proof-of-concept study, showcasing that reaction mechanisms may be highly dependent on the reaction conditions and that an evaluation of the dynamics of the system at industrially relevant conditions is of utmost importance to obtain molecular insights. Such insights can not be obtained from low-temperature investigations. It is notoriously difficult to simulate the dynamics of industrially relevant catalytic reactions under operating conditions. Hence, Bonati et al. had to combine various innovations in the field of machine learning and enhanced sampling molecular dynamics to follow the adsorption and reaction on the fly at operating conditions during sufficiently long time scales. A summary of some essential ingredients of their workflow is schematically shown in Fig. 1 and discussed further below. The impact of the methodological advances presented in their study is of much greater importance than the specific case study discussed in the PNAS paper and opens perspectives to follow industrially relevant catalytic reactions on the fly at the conditions where the catalyst does the work.

A Critical Assessment on Calculating Vibrational Spectra in Nanostructured Materials

A.E.J. Hoffman, W. Temmerman, E. Campbell, A. A. Damin, I. Lezcano-Gonzalez, A.M. Beale, S. Bordiga, J. Hofkens, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Vibrational spectroscopy is an omnipresent spectroscopic technique to characterize functional nanostructured materials such as zeolites, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), and metal–halide perovskites (MHPs). The resulting experimental spectra are usually complex, with both low-frequency framework modes and high-frequency functional group vibrations. Therefore, theoretically calculated spectra are often an essential element to elucidate the vibrational fingerprint. In principle, there are two possible approaches to calculate vibrational spectra: (i) a static approach that approximates the potential energy surface (PES) as a set of independent harmonic oscillators and (ii) a dynamic approach that explicitly samples the PES around equilibrium by integrating Newton’s equations of motions. The dynamic approach considers anharmonic and temperature effects and provides a more genuine representation of materials at true operating conditions; however, such simulations come at a substantially increased computational cost. This is certainly true when forces and energy evaluations are performed at the quantum mechanical level. Molecular dynamics (MD) techniques have become more established within the field of computational chemistry. Yet, for the prediction of infrared (IR) and Raman spectra of nanostructured materials, their usage has been less explored and remain restricted to some isolated successes. Therefore, it is currently not a priori clear which methodology should be used to accurately predict vibrational spectra for a given system. A comprehensive comparative study between various theoretical methods and experimental spectra for a broad set of nanostructured materials is so far lacking. To fill this gap, we herein present a concise overview on which methodology is suited to accurately predict vibrational spectra for a broad range of nanostructured materials and formulate a series of theoretical guidelines to this purpose. To this end, four different case studies are considered, each treating a particular material aspect, namely breathing in flexible MOFs, characterization of defects in the rigid MOF UiO-66, anharmonic vibrations in the metal–halide perovskite CsPbBr3, and guest adsorption on the pores of the zeolite H-SSZ-13. For all four materials, in their guest- and defect-free state and at sufficiently low temperatures, both the static and dynamic approach yield qualitatively similar spectra in agreement with experimental results. When the temperature is increased, the harmonic approximation starts to fail for CsPbBr3 due to the presence of anharmonic phonon modes. Also, the spectroscopic fingerprints of defects and guest species are insufficiently well predicted by a simple harmonic model. Both phenomena flatten the potential energy surface (PES), which facilitates the transitions between metastable states, necessitating dynamic sampling. On the basis of the four case studies treated in this Review, we can propose the following theoretical guidelines to simulate accurate vibrational spectra of functional solid-state materials: (i) For nanostructured crystalline framework materials at low temperature, insights into the lattice dynamics can be obtained using a static approach relying on a few points on the PES and an independent set of harmonic oscillators. (ii) When the material is evaluated at higher temperatures or when additional complexity enters the system, e.g., strong anharmonicity, defects, or guest species, the harmonic regime breaks down and dynamic sampling is required for a correct prediction of the phonon spectrum. These guidelines and their illustrations for prototype material classes can help experimental and theoretical researchers to enhance the knowledge obtained from a lattice dynamics study.

The nature of extraframework aluminum species and Brønsted acid site interactions under catalytic operating conditions

J. L. Mancuso, V. Van Speybroeck
Journal of Catalysis
429, 115211


A systematic investigation of hydrated extraframework aluminum (EFAl) species interacting with Brønsted acid sites (BAS) in H-ZSM-5 is presented to understand the cooperative active site structure under catalytic operating conditions. Static models of EFAl species confined in the H-ZSM-5 unit cell show that isolated BAS protonate neutral EFAl species to form cations. Ab-initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations and enhanced sampling performed at the temperature for methanol-to-hydrocarbon conversion reveal two regimes of stable EFAl species, namely the [Al(OH)2]+ ion existing with two bonds to the zeolite scaffold or as a pore-guest in the form of [Al(OH)2(H2O)2]+. Our results indicate that hydrogen-bonding plays a significant role in BAS-EFAl active site structure, especially at higher BAS density and that EFAl species can function as both Bronsted and Lewis acidic components to alter proton transfer kinetics as well as shape selectivity within these microporous solids.

Gold Open Access

Development of porous organic polymers as metal free photocatalysts for the aromatization of N-heterocycles

M. Debruyne, N. Raeymackers, H. Vrielinck, S. Radhakrishnan, E. Breynaert, M. Delaey, A. Laemont, K. Leus, J. Everaert, H. Rijckaert, D. Poelman, R. Morent, N. De Geyter, P. Van der Voort, V. Van Speybroeck, C. Stevens, T.S.A Heugebaert


Porous organic polymers (POPs), and especially covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs), are being developed as the next generation of metal-free heterogeneous photocatalysts. However, many of the current synthetic routes to obtain these photoactive POPs require expensive monomers and rely on precious metal catalysts, thus hindering their widespread implementation. In this work, a range of POPs was synthesized from simple unfunctionalized aromatic building blocks, through Lewis acidcatalyzed polymerization. The obtained materials were applied, for the first time, as heterogeneous photocatalysts for the aromatization of N-heterocycles. With the use of the most active material, denoted as CTF-Pyr, which consists of photoactive pyrene and triazine moieties, a wide range of pyridines, dihydroquinoline-5-ones, tetrahydroacridine-1,8-diones and pyrazoles were obtained in excellent yields (70-99%). Moreover, these reactions were carried out under very mild conditions using air and at room temperature, highlighting the potential of these materials as catalysts for green transformations.

Engineering of Phenylpyridine- and Bipyridine-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks for Photocatalytic Tandem Aerobic Oxidation/Povarov Cyclization

M. Debruyne, S. Borgmans, S. Radhakrishnan, E. Breynaert, H. Vrielinck, K. Leus, A. Laemont, J. De Vos, K. S. Rawat, S. Vanlommel, H. Rijckaert, H. Salemi, J. Everaert, F. Vanden Bussche, D. Poelman, R. Morent, N. De Geyter, P. Van der Voort, V. Van Speybroeck, C.V. Stevens
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
15, 29, 35092–35106


Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are emerging as a new class of photoactive organic semiconductors, which possess crystalline ordered structures and high surface areas. COFs can be tailor-made toward specific (photocatalytic) applications, and the size and position of their band gaps can be tuned by the choice of building blocks and linkages. However, many types of building blocks are still unexplored as photocatalytic moieties and the scope of reactions photocatalyzed by COFs remains quite limited. In this work, we report the synthesis and application of two bipyridine- or phenylpyridine-based COFs: TpBpyCOF and TpPpyCOF. Due to their good photocatalytic properties, both materials were applied as metal-free photocatalysts for the tandem aerobic oxidation/Povarov cyclization and α-oxidation of N-aryl glycine derivatives, with the bipyridine-based TpBpyCOF exhibiting the highest activity. By expanding the range of reactions that can be photocatalyzed by COFs, this work paves the way toward the more widespread application of COFs as metal-free heterogeneous photocatalysts as a convenient alternative for commonly used homogeneous (metal-based) photocatalysts.

Open Access version available at UGent repository

Phosphorous Covalent Triazine Framework based Nanomaterials for the Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

H. S. Jena, C. Krishnaraj, B. K. Satpathy, K. S. Rawat, K. Leus, S. Veerapandian, R. Morent, N. De Geyter, V. Van Speybroeck, D. Pradhan, P. Van der Voort
ACS Applied Nano Materials


The production of hydrogen via electrocatalytic reduction of water using metal-free nanomaterials as the catalyst is a promising and ultimate green approach. Graphitic carbon nitride, covalent organic frameworks, and covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) are some of the nanostructured materials that are investigated for this purpose. Currently, these materials still lack the efficiency to compete with other techniques (electrolysis). This is because the reaction mechanism and active sites are, in many cases, still poorly understood. In this work, we report a set of metal-free nanostructure-based electrocatalysts, phosphorus covalent triazine frameworks (PCTFs), for electrocatalytic hydrogen production. The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance of PCTF-based nanomaterials is ascribed to the synergistic effect of isolated single nitrogen and phosphorus sites on the large surface area. By combining both experimental and theoretical studies, we found that especially the pyridinic-nitrogen species are the most active sites for the HER. The presence of phosphorus next to the pyridinic-N enhances the HERs. The present results provide a better understanding of the importance of different heteroatoms in nanomaterials as active sites in HERs. Theoretical studies confirmed that phosphorus, being electron rich, creates high electron densities on the nearby N atoms of the CTF materials and intensifies the HER process.

Additivity of atomic strain fields as a tool to strain-engineering phase-stabilized CsPbI3 perovskites

J. Teunissen, T. Braeckevelt, I. Skvortsova, J. Guo, B. Pradhan, E. Debroye, M. Roeffaers, J. Hofkens, S. Van Aert, S. Bals, S.M.J. Rogge, V. Van Speybroeck
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
127, 48, 23400-23411


CsPbI3 is a promising perovskite material for photovoltaic applications in its photoactive perovskite or black phase. However, the material degrades to a photovoltaically inactive or yellow phase at room temperature. Various mitigation strategies are currently being developed to increase the lifetime of the black phase, many of which rely on inducing strains in the material that hinder the black-to-yellow phase transition. Physical insight into how these strategies exactly induce strain as well as knowledge of the spatial extent over which these strains impact the material is crucial to optimize these approaches but is still lacking. Herein, we combine machine learning potential-based molecular dynamics simulations with our in silico strain engineering approach to accurately quantify strained large-scale atomic structures on a nanosecond time scale. To this end, we first model the strain fields introduced by atomic substitutions as they form the most elementary strain sources. We demonstrate that the magnitude of the induced strain fields decays exponentially with the distance from the strain source, following a decay rate that is largely independent of the specific substitution. Second, we show that the total strain field induced by multiple strain sources can be predicted to an excellent approximation by summing the strain fields of each individual source. Finally, through a case study, we illustrate how this additive character allows us to explain how complex strain fields, induced by spatially extended strain sources, can be predicted by adequately combining the strain fields caused by local strain sources. Hence, the strain additivity proposed here can be adopted to further our insight into the complex strain behavior in perovskites and to design strain from the atomic level onward to enhance their sought-after phase stability.

Open Access version available at UGent repository
Gold Open Access

Super-Oxidizing Covalent Triazine Framework Electrocatalyst for Two-Electron Water Oxidation to H2O2

R. Khan, J. Chakraborty, K. S. Rawat, R. Morent, N. De Geyter, V. Van Speybroeck, P. Van der Voort
Angewandte Chemie int. Ed.


Electrochemical two-electron water oxidation (2e WOR) is gaining surging research traction for sustainable hydrogen peroxide production. However, the strong oxidizing environment and thermodynamically competitive side-reaction (4e WOR) posit as thresholds for the 2e WOR. We herein report a custom-crafted covalent triazine network possessing strong oxidizing properties as a proof-of-concept metal-free functional organic network electrocatalyst for catalyzing 2e WOR. As the first-of-its-kind, the material shows a maximum of 89.9% Faradaic Efficiency and 1428 μmol/h/cm2 H2O2 production rate at 3.0 V bias potential (vs reversible hydrogen electrode, RHE), which are either better or comparable to the stateof-the-art electrocatalysts. We have experimentally confirmed a stepwise 2e WOR mechanism which was further computationally endorsed by density functional theory studies.

The Gradient Curves Method: An improved strategy for the derivation of molecular mechanics valence force fields from ab initio data

T. Verstraelen, D. Van Neck, P.W. Ayers, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Waroquier
Volume 7A-B, page 576 -+


A novel force-field parameterization procedure[1] is proposed that surmounts well-known difficulties of the conventional least squares parameterization. The multidimensional ab initio training data are first transformed into individual one-dimensional data sets, each associated with one term in the force-field model. In the second step conventional methods call be used to fit each energy term separately to its corresponding data set. The first step call be completed without any knowledge of the analytical expressions for the energy terms. Moreover the transformed data sets dictate the form of these expressions, which makes the method very suitable for deriving valence force fields. During the transformation in the first step, continuity and least-norm criteria are imposed. The latter facilitate the intuitive physical interpretation of the energy terms that are fitted to the transformed data sets, a prerequisite for transferable force fields. Benchmark parameterizations have been performed oil three small molecules, showing that the new method results in physically intuitive energy terms, exactly when a conventional parameterization would suffer from parameter correlations, i.e. when the number of redundant internal coordinates in the force-field model increases.

Unraveling the mechanisms of Zirconium MOFs based Mixed Matrix Membranes Preventing Polysulfide Shuttling

W. Lu, Z. Pang, A. Lamaire, F. Liu, S.Dai, M. L. Pinto, R. Demir-Cakan, K. O. Tan, V. Van Speybroeck, V. Pimenta, C. Serre


Lithium-sulfur batteries are considered as promising candidates for next-generation energy storage devices for grid applications due to their high theoretical energy density. However, the inevitable shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides and/or dendrite growth of Li metal anodes hinder their commercial viability. Here, the microporous Zr fumarate MOF-801(Zr) was considered to produce thin (~15.6 µm, ~1mg cm2) mixed matrix membranes (MMM) as a novel interlayer for Li-S batteries. It was found that the MOF-801(Zr)/C/PVDF-HFP composite interlayer facilitates Li+ ions diffusion, and anchors polysulfides while promoting their redox conversion effectively. We demonstrated that MOF-801 effectively trapped polysulfides at the cathode side, and confirmed for the first time the nature of the interaction between the adsorbed polysulfides and the host framework, through a combination of solid-state NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. The incorporation of MOF-801(Zr)/C/PVDF-HFP MMM interlayer resulted in a notable enhancement in the initial capacity of Li-S batteries up to 1110 mA h g-1. Moreover, even after 50 cycles, a specific capacity of 880 mA h g-1 was delivered.


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