S. Cottenier
High-throughput Pareto-zoektocht naar hoogperformante metaal-organische roosters
Wanorde in kristallen: de rol van willekeurigheid in materiaaleigenschappen
Error bar assessment for ab initio prediction of surface properties
Location of hydrogen near TiC precipitates in ferritic steel: a first-principles examination
Boosting the discovery rate of quaternary Zintl phases
Computationele trekproeven voor wolfraamlegeringen in kernfusiereactoren
Inverse Materials Design for Tungsten Alloys
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author S. Cottenier) International Workshop on High-throughput Materials Development
Ghent, Belgium
Tuesday, 11 June, 2013 to Wednesday, 12 June, 2013
The Delta parameter: which precision has a meaning on physical results?
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author: S. Cottenier), Pseudopotentials and PAW atomic data: beyond a "black art"?
Paris, France
Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 to Wednesday, 29 January, 2014
How to validate pseudopotentials? Methods of comparison
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author: K. Lejaeghere), CFCAM workshop 'Pseudopotentials and PAW atomic data: beyond a "black art"?'
Paris, France
Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 to Wednesday, 29 January, 2014