S. Cottenier
Ab-initio prediction of thermoelastic properties of (exo-)planetary inner cores: working plan
Conference / event / venue
New insights on metals under extreme conditions
Paris, France
Thursday, 13 December, 2012 to Saturday, 15 December, 2012
Hyperfine Interactions
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
School on "Functional Properties at the Atomic Scale"
Vaalbeek, Belgium
Monday, 21 May, 2012 to Friday, 25 May, 2012
Computational Materials Science: are you being served?
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
OCAS PhD Day 2012
Gent, Belgium
Tuesday, 6 November, 2012
Finding candidate materials for the first wall of fusion reactors by an inverse strategy
p. RR 9.04
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author S. Cottenier) MRS Fall Meeting
Boston, USA
Sunday, 25 November, 2012 to Friday, 30 November, 2012
Theorethical thermochemistry of Po interacting with LBE and filter materials
Conference / event / venue
11th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology
Gent, Belgium
Monday, 5 November, 2012 to Friday, 9 November, 2012
The ground state elemental crystals as a benchmark for solid state DFT: intrinsic accuracy and code comparison
p. 59
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author S. Cottenier) Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel: Thermodynamics and Kinetics (ADIS 2012)
Ringberg Castle (Tegernsee, Germany)
Sunday, 29 April, 2012 to Friday, 4 May, 2012
Error bars for solid-state density-functional theory predictions
Invited talk
Conference / event / venue
(presenting author S. Cottenier), 17th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations
Coimbra, Portugal
Monday, 1 October, 2012 to Friday, 5 October, 2012
Pragmatic band gap calculations as a 'sieve' for experimental tabulations
Conference / event / venue
17th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations
Coimbra, Portugal
Tuesday, 2 October, 2012 to Friday, 5 October, 2012
Pragmatic band gap calculations as a sieve for experimental tabulations
Conference / event / venue
19th wien2k Workshop
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, 3 September, 2012 to Friday, 7 September, 2012